RIKEN Center for Biosystems Dynamics Research, Laboratory for Morphogenetic Signaling (Hayashi Lab.)


ImageJ Plugins

Load a movie file to ImageJ

This plugin can load many types of movie file using JavaCV(FFmpeg).

The loaded image become very large size because this plugin read all of recorded frame in the movie file.

For example : 1920×1080, 60fps, about 17sec, about 44Mb mp4 file -> 1045 slices, about 8GB

JavaCV installation:

  • Download JavaCV file from https://github.com/bytedeco/javacv
  • Copy it to plugin directory in ImageJ
  • In the case of Fiji, some of them are already installed, so it may be necessary to handle them individually as there may be conflicting issues. * If the FFmpeg plugin is introduced, the possibility of working is large.

Update log:

~ Released ver. 20171108 ~