3D image surface projection
A highly versatile ImageJ plug-in for extracting curved surfaces with arbitrary thickness and creating a image
Extraction that ignores fine irregularities is possible by using a coarse mesh
Source code : https://github.com/Wada-H/SheetMeshProjection
Package file
- SheetMeshProjection_.jar
- CrossSectionViewer_.jar
- SampleData-HypocotylComposite.tif, roidata1
- manual-Japanese.txt
- manual-English.txt
*The image used for sampleData is a slightly modified version of the image used in the following paper.
Erguvan Özer, & Verger Stéphane. (2019). Dataset of confocal microscopy stacks from plant samples – ImageJ SurfCut: a user-friendly, high-throughput pipeline for extracting cell contours from 3D confocal stacks [Data set]. Zenodo. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.2577053
How to install:
- Downloads Interactive_3D_Surface_Plot_.jar
- Downloads CrossSectionViewer_.jar
- Downloads this plugin file
- Add these 3 files to the ImageJ plugin directory
- Add the following site to “Manage update sites” of ImageJ Updater(Help > Update…)
- https://sites.imagej.net/SheetMeshProjection/

Sample Movie:
Sample Movie 1 (386MB)
Update log:
~ Update ver. 1.0-20201215 ~
- Fixed a bug that occurred during checkmesh
~ Update ver. 1.0-20200824 ~
- Add Priority function
~ Add the update site on Fiji 20200717~
- Partially modified according to Interractive_3D_Surface_Plot-3.0.0
~ Update ver. 1.0-20200629 ~
- Supports single channel image
- Improved to synchronize the colors of XZ and YZ images with the main image